Reporting Claims of Copyright InfringementCollected

    HOTWOMEN.RELAX-BEROUN.CZ undertakes to respond to notices of alleged copyright infringements that comply with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DCMA) or any other applicable laws or intellectual property laws. In response it would proceed to the removal of the content that is alleged to be the subject of an infringement.

    HOTWOMEN.RELAX-BEROUN.CZ is an adult content site where third party content is shared, so that we do not know the people who appear in them and those who publish it on the networks.

    Our policy is to respect and protect intellectual property rights, to achieve them we make available to the owners of copyright a CONTACT to request that any material published without authorization be withdrawn. The application will be reviewed and the content will be withdrawn as soon as possible.

    Written notice should be sent to this e-mail